A Meckel's diverticulum is leftover tissue of the baby's digestive tract that was forming before birth.
Symptoms of Meckel's diverticulum
Mild or sever pain in the abdomen
Blood in the stool
Nausea and vomiting
Diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum
Diagnosis is done by following tests:
Stool occult blood test
CT scan
Technetium scan (also called a Meckel's scan)
Laparoscopic surgery to perform a Meckel’s diverticulectomy
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia through small incisions in the abdomen. One of the incisions is used to insert a port (nozzle) that fills the carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen to inflate it. Now laparoscope is inserted through another incision. A laparoscope is a telescope lookalike with a light and camera on the end. It allows the surgeon to clearly view inside of the abdomen on the monitor outside. After thorough evaluation, surgeon removes the pouch (Meckel's diverticulum) without damaging the small intestine. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to remove a portion of the small intestine if it shows signs of inflammation or infection. After the completion of procedure, carbon dioxide is released and incisions are closed with sutures or staples, or covered with glue-like bandage.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Ladd procedure
Less damage to the surrounding tissues
Faster recovery
Only few hours or overnight hospitalization
Earlier ambulation
Sooner return to work
Very less pain during and after the procedure
Smaller incisions
Negligible risks and complications
Less chances of wound infection
Early ambulation
High success rate