Colon carcinoma or colorectal cancer or bowel cancer or rectal cancer, is any growth, lump, tumor of the colon and the rectum. It is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth that happens in the cells of the large intestine.
Symptoms of colorectal cancer
Pain , cramps, or gas in the abdomen
A lump in the tummy or in the back passage
Diarrhea or Constipation
Changes in stool consistency
Frequent toilet visits
A feeling of incomplete bowel
Blood in stool
A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
Nausea or Vomiting
Weight loss
Unexplained iron deficiency in men, or in women after the menopause
Diagnosis of colorectal cancer
The following are the most common screening and diagnostic procedures for colorectal cancer:
Faecal occult blood test (blood stool test)
Stool DNA test
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Barium enema X-ray
CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy)
Ultrasound scan
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Laparoscopic (including laparoscopically assisted) resection for Colon Cancer
Laparoscopic colorectal surgery for colon cancer is performed under general anaesthesia through 3 to 5 small incisions in the abdominal wall. One of the incisions is used to insert the laparoscopic instruments and another one is used to insert a port (nozzle) that fills the carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen to inflate it. This allows better view of the internal organs on the monitor outside. Various surgical instruments are inserted through the other to dissect tissues around the tumour. The tumour is usually removed through an enlarged abdominal incision, the length of which depends on the size of the tumour.
Laparoscopically assisted surgery refers to the procedure in which one of the incisions is enlarged to complete the dissection before the tumour is removed.
Hand-port-assisted laparoscopic surgery involves the use of a hand-port through which a gloved hand is inserted intracorporeally.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Colon Surgery
Faster recovery
Only few hours or overnight hospitalization
Sooner return to work
Very less pain during and after the procedure
Smaller incisions without any cut on abdominal muscles
Negligible risks and complications
Less chances of wound infection
Faster return to normal diet
Earlier return of intestinal function
Earlier ambulation