Thymus is an organ that resides under the breastbone on top of the heart and great vessels. It is active only until puberty and starts to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat after puberty. It plays a vital role in the lymphatic and endocrine system of our body. Various tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities related to the thymus can develop.

Symptoms of Thymus Masses
Most of the thymus masses produce no symptoms and are found incidentally on chest radiography or other imaging studies of the thorax.
Diagnosis of Thymus Masses
These are generally found incidentally on chest radiography or other imaging studies of the thorax and require further evaluation by CT scan, MRI etc.
Laparoscopic Thymectomy
Laparoscopic Thymectomy is performed with a video assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS), where a video camera is used to see the thymus and surrounding tissue. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia using small incisions in the chest for the camera, surgical instruments and a larger incision for access to surgeon’s hand for removal of thymus.
Robotic surgery is another transthoracic option for Thymectomy. It uses miniaturized instruments attached to robotic arms and highly flexible joints to perform the most delicate aspects of a thymectomy.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Thymectomy
Faster recovery
Only few hours or overnight hospitalization
Earlier ambulation
Sooner return to work
Very less pain during and after the procedure
Smaller incisions without any cut on abdominal muscles
Negligible risks and complications
Less chances of wound infection
High success rate
Better chance of breathing normally
Better quality of life